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2009.10.13 Tue

Lately,one of my friend's couple has been fighting.
Case of Jealousy.
They should work it but their too much pride cut into each other and finally it's go on ego battle.
My feeling of Jelous is almost none.
I really don't care in a flash when I hold Jealousy.
I'm getting tired and my feeling will be cool down in a moment.
Oh,don't get me wrong,I'm not stranger to know jealous.
Long time ago,I got jealous when I saw my slave girl was playing with the other man.
I was the one who hooked them up, I'm not jealous at that point.
But when they started to play..I was upset.
That is experience that my most strongest feel jealous like nothing before since then.
From that day I lost my feel of Jelousy.

There are a lot of dominas who disallow to theire slaves to playing with another domina.
It could be some results that slave was distractedexcept my own train proglam, some want to pay attention only me...
I know there are so many reasons but in the end,isn't that just jelous...?
I don't like such as kind of that style.
Worship or submissive will be making as naturally in thier mind.
Forced submissive is not real,not true.
So almost my friends said my session style such as "grazing".lol
That's correct!
My own style is not slave-training inside poultry house.Hahaha.
I've never told to dominas for thought of BDSM by my forced.
But evrytime I told dominas that don't say to a slave to stop to have a session with the other dominas.
There is no meaning to get worth in easy way.
Inaddition,Isn't a plesure to chosen by a slave who had a experiences to had a session with a many dominas?
There is no meaning to chosen by a non experience slave.
Because it's just a "fresh",go bad quickly.
All I want to say is..
If you feel guilty to have a session with a many dominas,
I think it's fine.
A domina who is your no time in running to,that is your answer.
Please be careful to use a Jerousy.
It can be aphrodisiac or hurt you.
Sorry,I'm busy now.So our receptionist Hiromi and Angelica translate today.
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