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2011.11.10 Thu
I have many event infomation.
I should have pass you sooner.
We commemorated first anniversary of my produce salon [Le Donjon] and made party till tonigt from two day before...I'm sorry,I couldn't update because I didn't have time...
But I'm having plenty of information yet!
First...special events @ [Bar AMARCORD]
Month Gallery

La Siora exhibition
self-expression in arts and crafts by La Siora Dominas
Dominas from [La Siora],they have connection with art in some way.
For example,some dominas paint as a hobby.
Some of them got thier sheepskin university of fine arts.
Some domina is a professional photographer.Some domina is a professional performer...more...so they make this exhibition at the suggestion of one of our number.
Autumn is the best season for art. Let's have fun together.
15 Nov(Tue)
La Siora night
Show by [Shinobu] and DJ Neko
Shibari and Music
Jointly birthday paety for November and December born dominas.
22 Nov(Tue)
La Siora night
Show by [Nagisa] and [Narumi]
performance and narration
23(Wed) and 24(Thu) Nov
Birthday celebration for [Nana Aikawa]
She is a proprietress of our bar and idol also.
Let's raise our glass to her together!!
26 Nov(Sat)
Special event
"FF"for only woman
produce by [Rinko]
The last Saturday of each month.

29 Nov(Wed)
La Siora Night?
Dominas are talking about it.
I will update this infomation if they make special night.
More...there are two fetish event in this month.
12 Nov(Sat)

26 Nov(Sat)

[Night Mare]
Autumn is a great season for fetish people.
We can have on leather,Latex,PVC...Oh,goody!!
I wrote about [The Cock Fair]every November.
[ The cock Fair @ Hanazono Shrine 2008 ]
[ The Cock Fair @ Hanazono Shrine 2009 ]
[Hanazono Shrine website]only Japanese
I think that there are only two month left in this year when I update about the cock fair.
The first Day of the Cock Fair was on 2 Nov.
I went to there with [Domina Yuki] after on the way back from La Siora.I thought "We are at the end of another year already."at that time.
Second Cock Faire will on 14 Nov(Mon),third will on 26 Nov(Sat).
I should have pass you sooner.
We commemorated first anniversary of my produce salon [Le Donjon] and made party till tonigt from two day before...I'm sorry,I couldn't update because I didn't have time...
But I'm having plenty of information yet!
First...special events @ [Bar AMARCORD]
Month Gallery

La Siora exhibition
self-expression in arts and crafts by La Siora Dominas
Dominas from [La Siora],they have connection with art in some way.
For example,some dominas paint as a hobby.
Some of them got thier sheepskin university of fine arts.
Some domina is a professional photographer.Some domina is a professional performer...more...so they make this exhibition at the suggestion of one of our number.
Autumn is the best season for art. Let's have fun together.
15 Nov(Tue)
La Siora night
Show by [Shinobu] and DJ Neko
Shibari and Music
Jointly birthday paety for November and December born dominas.
22 Nov(Tue)
La Siora night
Show by [Nagisa] and [Narumi]
performance and narration
23(Wed) and 24(Thu) Nov
Birthday celebration for [Nana Aikawa]
She is a proprietress of our bar and idol also.
Let's raise our glass to her together!!
26 Nov(Sat)
Special event
"FF"for only woman
produce by [Rinko]
The last Saturday of each month.

29 Nov(Wed)
La Siora Night?
Dominas are talking about it.
I will update this infomation if they make special night.
More...there are two fetish event in this month.
12 Nov(Sat)

26 Nov(Sat)

[Night Mare]
Autumn is a great season for fetish people.
We can have on leather,Latex,PVC...Oh,goody!!
I wrote about [The Cock Fair]every November.
[ The cock Fair @ Hanazono Shrine 2008 ]
[ The Cock Fair @ Hanazono Shrine 2009 ]
[Hanazono Shrine website]only Japanese
I think that there are only two month left in this year when I update about the cock fair.
The first Day of the Cock Fair was on 2 Nov.
I went to there with [Domina Yuki] after on the way back from La Siora.I thought "We are at the end of another year already."at that time.
Second Cock Faire will on 14 Nov(Mon),third will on 26 Nov(Sat).
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