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The Cock Fair in this year @ Hanazono shrine

November last year,I wrote about "The Cock Fair @ Hanazono shrine"on [ La Siora English blog ].
Click here!![ The Cock Fair 2008 @ Hanazono shrine ]
One year is going to pass since then as early as.
The Cock Fair is take place two or three times in every November.

There is the year when it is held three times.
It is told from people that rush of fire in this year.
A long time ago in Japan,all house was made from wood,so people was afraid of this year.
Three times in last year...I don't know this results...

Two times in this year.
This is the schedule.

Ichi no tori (First time):
Eve : Wednesday11th November Main:Thursday12th November

Ni no tori (Second time)
Eve : Sunday 23th November Main:Monday 24th November

Everybody is saying that stand shop are over 60 at there but I don't know.
Because I have not ever count...countlessness stand shop at there.

You are able to have fun "nostalgic Japanease."
Of course,all dominas of La Siora will go!


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