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My favorite art
Autumn is the best season for art.
I write my favorite artist.

First,about[ Erte ]!!
I found his poster 17,8 years ago.
I had a crush on it instantaneously and bought on impulse.
This art is same at that time.


Nice place in Tokyo if you like Erte.
Click here!![ Museum1999 ]
A lot of Erte's arts in this restaurant.Bronze statue also!!
Dinner time is expensive but lunch time is so-so price.
And bar below ground is cost-effective.This bar is opened til 3or 4AM.
I go to this restaurant or bar alone every once in a while when my creative mind is run dry.

This is Erte also.
What a dream..I will get it someday!!

Next,about [ George Barbier ]!!
I have a romantic time in his art everytime.
I go to "another world"at this time.

Third,about [ Lawrence Alma-Tadema ]I love!

It's around 15 years ago that first meeting with his art.
It was at the museum in Amsterdam.
I didn't know his name even I didn't know he held his exhibition at same time.
I went up the stairs and my face up...whew!!
Another time and world had sprawled there!!
It was shocked to me...I stayed long time at the exhibition.

This art was big so much.
So,I didn't know that this view was in art or real.
People in art had a good complexion and lived,it seems like they started to talk me.

I won't be able to like specially but I am not able to foget this name [ Paul Cézanne ].
My father taught me his name when I was child.
Paul Cézanne lacked of friends but one day a boy gave him an apple.
Because of this or not,he drew an apple often in his art.

I felt nothing with his art when I was I child,but somehow that episode was unforgettable.
But before long,I don't like him really much as I get older bit by bit.
Because I felt his life was alone.

Can say"don't like it" but Can't say "hate it".
I think his art is not distinctive and popular art in impressionistic painting.
I may be afraid of his life that he had to adhere just one apple,not about his art.

He was homosexual than he fail in love with that boy...
So I like his art if it was punch line...
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- My favorite -
Wolf / Moon / Autumn and Winter / Lether / Rubber / Hat / Glove / Whip / Street performance / Circus

Producer of La Siora
LA SIORA website