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Now,5 o'clock in the morning...in Japan.
I have to work through the night...

Yesterday and the day befor yesterday,
my photoshop was in a bad mood and it won't work.
I couldn't update new domina's photo...
But now my photoshop is in excellent spirits...like dippydro.
So I finally could start my work what I want to do!!

I release ahead of this.
This is a new domina Kai!

And this is Domina Bigyoku.

I got a mail from long-lost people in distant country since I started this blog!!
It was a big surprise and I wasn''t expect.
I had only Japanese blog until last month.
So,diffrent languag user couldn't read it,I know...

I remember you who sent a mail to me.Of cause.
But I'm busy now and it takes time for me to write in English.
So...can you give me a moement please?
I'm for sure to reply!!

I wish you all the best in anyway.

This music for everybody with memory.
[ Nino Rota ]

I have heard that it is dialect of Rimini in Northern Italy,
and the meaning is"I remember".

Let me know when you come to Japan.

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- My favorite -
Wolf / Moon / Autumn and Winter / Lether / Rubber / Hat / Glove / Whip / Street performance / Circus

Producer of La Siora
LA SIORA website