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My slave's retirement 3
My update was late because I went to Kyoto.I'm sorry.
In this year,it is late blooming realy.So I couldn't see flower in full bloom.
But Kyoto is lovely city every time.

Bottom slave Y have to go back to a distant home.
But I wanted to make a toast,so I invited him to some bar.

I raised a glass to Y.
It had two motives of Good work today and work up until the official retirement age.

"I wanted to hear by somebody You did good job."

Y settled down and raised a family but his family didn't thank very a few for his stay with the company until retirement.
He had a gentle tongue and few words but he taled about his family and upbringing passionately.
It is first time that we talked about without BDSM very much.

I half expected about him,so I didn't ask to him because I didn't need.I didn't need to talk together.
And I known very well he was in a pressure cooker.As a matter of fact,I thought as much when I heard a talk of him.

He could get rid of reality only in BDSM world.
He have took a grip on hisself for as long as he can remember.He got scared in oppression and stress.
He was a good at studies and he got that job he wanted.
But he met obstacles on his job.Social systems taked hope away from his,His hope was changed to hangover.

Y wanted only this word "You done good."from someone.
And he wanted to say"You done good"to someone.
He wanted to treat people just like one wants to be treated,no more and no less.He had sound mind.
But social systems took him out of such simple thing.

I know very well than ever before why he likes in position of the bottom slave.
The bottom slave don't have slave under him.So he can do more people pleasure.
And he can get this word "You done good."more.
For this,he go out of his way to be the bottom slave.
BDSM is unproductiveness and torturously-complicated.
He wants to actual sensation.

...It's BDSM.
But actually,coveted things is a simple and easily understandable surprisingly.
We are required to produce results in the society.
To cherish the process is more small than we expected in the society.

I think well of things in BDSM world.
What a very small people who copped it by right or praised by right!
If you will become a mother and father for the future,I hope you done in the right way.

About bottom slave Y,I will send you on a roller-coaster ride thoroughly from hell.loool
It is last time,I speak to you as you are s human.

You done good!
Good work until the age of retirement!

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