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Shooting and year-end through New Year holidays infomation
We are at the end of another year already.
I have to apprise about year-end through New Year holidays infomation of [La Siora].
As we do every year,we will open till Mondy 30 December and from Saturday 4 January in the new year.
We will update in the middle of this month about the last day of session in this year and the first day of session in the new year.

Some dominas will take a long vacations.
Baby domina [An] will take a long vacation from Tuesday 3 December - Tuesday 14 January.She will stay at Europe.

We made many photo shooting in November.
First,we took photos session photos of [Shinobu].

On 30 November,we made a next shooting.
[Murasaki] was photographer after a long time!
Model were [Nana] and [Nina].

Recently,Murasaki is passionate about fishing.And she started social dance also.She does muscle training also.
On shooting day,we couln't eat and drink all day.Murasaki and me,our attention span was too long.
But after shooting,she said"What should I do?...well..."
"Tonight,I'm torning between going and not going..."
.....At that time,it was 22h30.First...
Let's go out for dinner!!

I show only one photo.

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- My favorite -
Wolf / Moon / Autumn and Winter / Lether / Rubber / Hat / Glove / Whip / Street performance / Circus

Producer of La Siora
LA SIORA website