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New domina infomation

Her name is "Touka",she has light.She is curious,young and beautiful girl.She finally turned 21year old in this year.
She is 161 cm tall and has a shapely figure and slender, perfect Asian beauty.
We will make her photo shooting and show it on our website in next week.

She acts politely and she particulars about lovely phrase.
She'd like formal beauty of distinctive BDSM world.
So first, I think that the best way is she look orthodox and classic BDSM session.
Next, she broadens on that basis. It is idealized.
Because she already has a nice communication skill. So she will became a big domina if she strengthens the basis.

Now,I'm giving a course for her.
Would like to look on your session with your domina during the periods noted below for her trainning?
Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th December:15h00-Last
*There are some hotel where 3people can not walk in a room.
If you don't know about hotel, please contact us and ask whether the hotel is not too far before you walk in.

Her shibari (Japanese rope bondage) training run smoothly. She has nimble fingers.
She would like to learn to make shibari with mannequin before making shibari for real man.
I reveal how serious she is!
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Wolf / Moon / Autumn and Winter / Lether / Rubber / Hat / Glove / Whip / Street performance / Circus

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