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Schedule of the year-end and New Year holidays

I have update the New Year's holiday.
Tuesday 30 December ; Regular Holiday
Wednesday 31 December ; 12h45 - 18h00
Thuesday 1 January - Saturday 3 January ; Holiday
Sunday 4 January ; Regular Hour
----Regulate Hour----
Telehone reception : 12h45 - 22h30
Session reservation : 13h00 - 22h00start

We will close for our meeting and a new year party on 13 January(Thu).

This is Domina's schedule.
I have update their the last day of session in this year (upper row)
and the first day of session in the new year.(lower row)

Dec 27 (Sat) 13:00-Last
Jan 9 (Fri) 15:00-Last

Dec 29 (Mon) 15:00-Last
Jan 4 (Sun) 14:00-Last

Dec 29 (Mon) 15:00-23:30
Jan 4 (Sun) 15:00-23:30

Dec 30 (Tue) 13:00-Last
Jan 6 (Tue) 13:00-Last

Please contact us if you'd like booking.

Dec 26 (Fri) 15:00-Last
Jan 6 (Tue) 15:00-Last

Dec 27 (Sun) 15:00-23:00
Jan 7 (Wed) 15:00-23:00

Dec 27 (Sat) 15:00-Last
Jan 7 (水) 15:00-Last

Dec 30 (Tue) 15:00-Last
Jan 5 (Mon) 15:00-Last

Dec 31 (Wed) 15:00-18:00
Jan 4 (Sun) 18:00-Last

Dec 30 (Tue) 15:00-22:30
6 Jan (Tue) 15:00-22:30

Dec 29 (Mon) 15:00-Last
Jan 9 (Fri) 15:00-Last

Dec 27 (Sat) 15:00-Last
Jan 7 (Wed) 15:00-Last

Dec 30 (Tue) 15:00-22:30
Jan 6 (Tue) 15:00-Last

Holiday (OFF): Dec. 27 - Jan. 7
Please contact us if you'd like booking.

Dec 27 (Sat) 15:00-Last
Jan 9 (Fri) 17:00-Last
Domina school La Siora】 | top↑
Domina Mao Leaving La Siora
I guess many people got shocked when they read the title.
Mistress Mao has been a La Siora domina for almost 8 years and she will leave by Dec 22.
She was one of the most popular mistresses for long time.

She was a tender-hearted dominatrix who deeply cares of each of submissives and therefore had hard time to decide to quit La Siora because of the existence of her slaves who needs her so much.
I want to thank to all of you for sincere support for her.

These days, I see many people who care just about skill of rope and whip and forget what's important in BDSM.
If you know some rope technique, perhaps you can easily do rope-show somewhere and call yourself as a "rope-master(Nawashi)".
Some misunderstood whipping that it's fine if you can hit where you want to do so. Maybe they consider gaining skill is like playing video game and clear a level one by one.
Of course I think basic skill is essential if it's in professional situation though.

Needless to say, Mao is well-skilled player, but I think the biggest reason of her popularity is her humanity and hospitality.
There's no certain way to develop mind and that's why it's not easy. To gain nice humanity, maybe all you can do is to notice what you need by yourself to do so throughout own experience. Richness of spirit seriously affects one's personality as you cannot learn it by lesson or school.
Probably what we call "talent" is essential, but the beloved mistress made much efforts to establish her success and showed great concentration when it was necessary. She has such elegant atmosphere and power to achieve her goal.

As a woman, I describe her as a very charming lady. Although she is known by her cool appearance and beauty, she sometimes shows her clumsiness or awkwardness unexpectedly and that makes us smile and love her more. That's why she's popular among not only customers but also dominas and staffs.

I want her to get refreshed as she was spending much energy to build good relationship with everyone.
She kindly cared each customer whole time. Please send her off happily.

I thought I should farewell her with flowery speech, but best words doesn't always have to be too showy.
From all my heart, I present this simple sentence to her.
"I'm very proud that great domina Mao was here at La Siora."

There's no much time left, but please support Mao till her last day.
Domina school La Siora】 | top↑
Domina Shinobu was promoted to Tiara domina!

Domina Shinobu was promoted to Tiara domina.
Message from Domina Shinobu.
(Click here)

Domina Shinobu is the beautiful domina with mysterious charm,
large eyes and long black hair are known as her trade mark.
She is a straightforward and earnest lady,with her heart filled with sense of justice.
Because of that nature, she takes steps one by one without shortcuts and cheats.
Sometimes her straightforwardness might have became a struggle for her but with time, she have gained a stable admirer.

Keeping her dedication and nurturing softness, she will shine more than now.
She is a domina that makes you realize you can grow so much with your strong mind.

You may think domina Shionobu loves and is dedicated to rope bondage.
But she goes deep into everything she is interested.
Please continue supporting her.

As her rank changed, the nomination fee is changed to 3,000JPY.
If you already have an appointment the nomination fee is 2,000JPY.
Nomination fee is charged if you have previously had session with her and if it is an advanced appointment.
Nomination fee will not be charged if you are first-timer to have a session with her,
or you made an appointment after your arrival of Shinjuku even if it is not the fist time to make an appointment with her.
Domina school La Siora】 | top↑
AMARCORD gallery in October
Event info

7(Wed) 8(Thu)October
Mistress Ryo Mizuchi Birthday

Yukari and Honoka Birthday

Gallery in October
Shodo Caligrapher "Yuugen Hayashi"
Website : [here]

Mr.Yugen Hayashi is a shodo caligrapher.
But his style is special "SAMURAI METAL SHODO".
He is the perfomer also.
He will make his perfomance at Bar AMARCORD on 17th October.


Hayashi Yugen
Born in Hokkaido and learned shodo calligraphy for thirteen years.
Once he devoted himself into a rock band putting shodo aside.
Yet one day shodo came to his mind again.
He started an earnest training and re-entered the world of shodo.
Now he is known as the performing shodo artist,
making use of his musical sense gained from his band career
and collaborates with various bands and musicians.
He creates one-of-the-kind, unique masterpiece being free from forms and tints.

Performed at Sex Pot Night, Tokyo Dark Castle,
YokohamaDaikakumei, Kakutogi Yaoh, Makurosu Night, Jump Night, etc

Chief Executive Shodo artist

Domina school La Siora】 | top↑
Do you know Mr.Akechi?And Liona have left from La Siora.
Baby Domina Liona have left from La Siora.
She worked La Siora in a short time.But she met many good slave.
Thank you for supporting for her.

She has main business line and she have busy.But she decided to come back to BDSM world and she selected La Siora as her comeback place.
But more recently she will relocate overseas on her main business line so she is not able to go on La Siora.
I pray for her continued success on her business.
Well....I hope she goes to your city and...I hope you meet her as your domina.lol


Do you know [ Mr.Denki Akechi ]?
He was very famous rope artist and he made many Japanese rope show abroad.
He went to his final rest in July 2005.So in this July,many fetish and BDSM people wrote about Mr.Akechi's memory on their face book and blog...etc...

I keep his sunglasses as a memento.This sunglasses is wonder.
Mr.Akechi gave off a strange aura also but his sunglasses is also.lol

Mr.Akech went to Den-haag in Holland for Japanese rope show.At that time,I was in Den-haag also because my favorite BDSM club in Den-haag,I went to go there.And coincidentally we met.
I saw his Japanese rope show twice in a week by good fortune .(at this BDSM club and fetish event.)
In my life,I saw bestest Japanese rope show at this time.It was the first time and the last time.I never be able to forget...
When it was finished,all audience stopped.No body didn't move,like a freeze-frame.After then,they gave him a cheer.

After his return home,I went to the BDSM club in Den-haag again.
I kept his sunglasses from this BDSM club because Mr.Akechi forgot his sunglasses.
But he passed away before I handed over his sunglasses.

I forgot his sunglass in the seas of time.One day,this sunglasses came on.
This day was first anniversary of his death.
From that time,every year,his sunglasses come on in every July,around anniversary of his dearh.In this July is also.

Knowing Mr.Akechi people,even if they met him only one time,they felt an affinity with him,like a close friend.
Mr.Akechi was wonder for me,I felt uncanny feeling than affinity.

But now,when his sunglasses come on every time,I feel like a affinity.

I'm sorry,this translation was toooo difficult for me.
I have corrected on next Monday and I will update again.
Have a good week-end!
Domina school La Siora】 | top↑
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- My favorite -
Wolf / Moon / Autumn and Winter / Lether / Rubber / Hat / Glove / Whip / Street performance / Circus

Producer of La Siora
LA SIORA website