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[Bar AMARCORD]and Members only salon [Le Donjon]are takeing New Years holiday till today,5th Jan.
We will open from tomorrow,6th Jan.
**[Domina school LA SIORA] is started open from today,5th Jan.

We will make "KIMONO NUGHT"tomorrow at Le Donjon!
Almost staff will put on kimono!
*Bar AMARCORD will make [Kakizome night] tomorrow.

About Le Donjon.
Le Donjon is sister shop with Bar AMARCORD.
Le Donjon is easygoing salon.It is diffrent style from Bar AMARCORD.
It is new menbers only salon and it was opened last November.
Le Donjon don't have English page now.
If you have intrest in this salon,please ask for Bar AMARCORD staff.
You can check Le Donjon location.

I am unaccustomed to management for three shop/La Siora,Bar AMARCORD,Le Donjon.
And I don't know how many staff we have any more.
So I counted my syaff total is fifty !!
I'm surprised myself.

Even more surprising,all staff is a good and funny!!
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- My favorite -
Wolf / Moon / Autumn and Winter / Lether / Rubber / Hat / Glove / Whip / Street performance / Circus

Producer of La Siora
LA SIORA website