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2014.11.24 Mon

Domina Shinobu was promoted to Tiara domina.
Message from Domina Shinobu.
(Click here)
Domina Shinobu is the beautiful domina with mysterious charm,
large eyes and long black hair are known as her trade mark.
She is a straightforward and earnest lady,with her heart filled with sense of justice.
Because of that nature, she takes steps one by one without shortcuts and cheats.
Sometimes her straightforwardness might have became a struggle for her but with time, she have gained a stable admirer.
Keeping her dedication and nurturing softness, she will shine more than now.
She is a domina that makes you realize you can grow so much with your strong mind.
You may think domina Shionobu loves and is dedicated to rope bondage.
But she goes deep into everything she is interested.
Please continue supporting her.

As her rank changed, the nomination fee is changed to 3,000JPY.
If you already have an appointment the nomination fee is 2,000JPY.
Nomination fee is charged if you have previously had session with her and if it is an advanced appointment.
Nomination fee will not be charged if you are first-timer to have a session with her,
or you made an appointment after your arrival of Shinjuku even if it is not the fist time to make an appointment with her.
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