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New event infomation
It is start to turn cold in Tokyo.
I come back to life in proportion as it.

I'm having a big appetite...I'm sugar addiction...
Yesterday I ate cake with our dominas at break in La Siora office,
and I ate two doughnuts with Shinju today...

I can not stop and I have sweet tooth.
I will become pig in a few days.

* Daidogei World Cup in Shizuoka
Date: Saturday 31 October - Wednesday 3 November

Website in English [ Daidogei World Cup on Shizuoka ]
Let's go to Shizuoka!

I love street performance and circus.
So I look forward to Daidogei World Cup in Shizuoka every year.
This event is held at the begining of November
and many nice perfomer come from oll over the world.
...I'd like to go..but I'm busy during this event...um...

* Salon event : DECADENCE rediscovery
- We,early disciple of the onmarch-

Length : Thursday 22th October - Sunday 8th November
Regular holiday : Monday
Place : Yasuda Building
1st and on the 1st basement level
3-20 Kanda-Nishiki-cho Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo
Tel : +81-(0)3-5577-6186
Website : Only Japanese[ Yasuda Art Gallery ]

*You are able to get this infomation in English at [ Bar Crank ].

I went reception party of this galley.
Obscene picture book by Klimt(rare!!) ,
old criminal punishment painting in Japan,
[ Toru Nishomaki ],[ Tsunematsu Masatoshi ][ Atsushi Tani ],...many things...

I got some nice book at there.
I will go to there again during the event.

Claire,Na:na from SM-bar Crank,Shinju
Zakuro from SM-bar Crank @ Yasuda Gallery

Another event infomation middle October - middle November
[ The Cock Fair in this year @ Hanazono shrine ]
[ Fetish and Gothic party infomation ]
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- My favorite -
Wolf / Moon / Autumn and Winter / Lether / Rubber / Hat / Glove / Whip / Street performance / Circus

Producer of La Siora
LA SIORA website